With the help of Pelvic Coach Julie you can learn how to improve medical conditions that include decreased sexual function, urinary stress incontinence, bowel control and other conditions related to your pelvic floor.

Julie Poplawski (Pelvic Coach Julie) wants to be the coach that helps you on the journey to reach your goals. Since you found this site your journey must be related to your pelvic floor and core.

She provides exercise routines to strengthen those pelvic floor and core muscles through live videos, a library of classes and private coaching should you need it.

“Learning to reconnect with my Pelvic Floor was quicker than I expected once I started working with Julie. I have control of my bladder again!  I wish I started this work immediately after my surgery, or even before.”


“I trained with Julie pre-operatively as well as post-operatively to allow me to have the greatest outcome possible. That combined with an outstanding surgeon allowed me to have great outcomes. I had urinary incontinence as well as erectile dysfunction. If you’re looking for someone who’s transformative in how you view life and the quality of your training then I highly recommended you reach out to Julie.”

Steve Cooper

“It is easy to perform a good action, but not easy to acquire a settled habit of performing such actions.”


Class Schedule

FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM | @pelviccoachjulie